Ludesco, Festival de jeux et d'expériences ludiques

MARCH 14, 2025 1PM TO MARCH 16, 2025 8PM


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Category Weekday Weekend
Children < 6 yrs
Children from 6 to 15 yrs (included)
Students (with credential)
Retirees, unemployed
Adults (dès 16 ans)

Soutien (inclut une participation à la tombola)

from 20.-

All prices are in CHF and include tax.

Free admission is guaranteed for one accompanying person per person with a disability that prevents them from accessing or participating independently in the Festival or the event they wish to attend.

Please note that certain special activities request greater infrastructures and organisation. Therefore, a supplement will be covered upon registration.

Une bénévole fait la grimace derrière la vitre de la billetterie

Access & Locations

The Ludesco festival is held in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The festival´s headquarters are on rue de la Serre 64 to 68, in the Maison du Peuple, Club 44 buildings and CPNE. The festival is easily accessible on foot or by public transportation. For those visiting by train, the headquarters are situated less than 5 walking minutes from the main train station. For those arriving by car, we recommend following parking lots: Les Entilles (Avenue Léopold-Robert 151) and Métropole Centre (Rue Daniel Jean-Richard 23). There are also white parking spaces (limited to 2 hours on weekdays, unlimited on Saturdays and Sundays) in nearby streets.

The Maison du Peuple (Serre 68) hosts the festival´s main info headquarters, the main bar as well as 1’300 board games from our self-service adult collection.

The Club 44 (Serre 64) is a space specially dedicated to families. Its different premises host 500 games adapted to different age groups from our faily collection, as well as an information stand.

The CPNE becomes the Espace Découvertes, housing stores, publishers, prototypes and our collection of accessible games.

The box office is located at Avenue Léopold-Robert 66, on the L for you premises. There’s also an info point.

Depending on the program, Ludesco organizes certain activities in other locations around town.

C'est où Ludesco? (videos in French)

From the train station to the Maison du Peuple
From the Maison du Peuple to L'Amuse-Bar


From Friday to Sunday, our partners’ food stalls will delight your taste buds in the street between Maison du Peuple and Club 44. You can enjoy your meal inside the heated tents.

Throughout the 55 hours, you can also enjoy a variety of homemade snacks, sandwiches and pastries, as well as our 100% Swiss beverages, including the famous BFM beers and La Semeuse coffees, at the bars open around the clock.


Accommodation at the POD

Once again, Ludesco offers you comfortable accommodation at reasonable prices! The festival has a partnership with the POD accommodation, whose dormitories are situated less than five minutes on foot from the festival site, on Avenue Léopold-Robert 109. To reserve your spot, you can send an email at hebergement(at)

Please note that there will be no mattresses inside the Maison du Peuple!


  • CHF 30.- / night
  • CHF 5.- / sleeping bag

Hot showers and wifi included.

Reservations can be made for Friday and Saturday nights.

Other accommodation options

Check out the list of hotels on the

Tourisme neuchâtelois
Tour Espacité
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Tel. +41 (0)32 889 68 95
Fax +41 (0)32 889 62 97 – E-mail:


Since 2016, all tourists staying in the canton of Neuchatel are offered free public transportation on all lines belonging to the Onde Verte network.

Donations and sponsorship

Ludesco is a non-profit organization. The entire festival is organized by a volunteer based committee.

There are several ways of helping us grow and become a major player in the gaming world:


Sponsorship pass
Ask for the sponsorship pass available at the ticket office at a price of 20.-. Not only does this pass allow you access to the festival, it also automatically engages your name in the raffle. The lucky winners will be awarded different prizes, among which some valuable games!


Raffle tickets
If you wish to take part in the Ludesco raffle, you can purchase your ticket at a price of 10.- at the ticket office. Prizes include board games.


We welcome donations of any amounts directly on our bank account:
IBAN: CH56 0624 0575 1014 8190 9

People with disabilities

At Ludesco, we welcome people with disabilities. To make your visit easier, Ludesco offers free admissions to the person accompanying you. In fact, persons with a disability that prevents them from accessing or participating autonomously in any Ludesco event may bring a free escorting guest with them. One escorting guest per person.

Please note that the elevator of the Maison du Peuple is too small (dimensions) to fit certain electric wheelchairs. Ludesco can provide you with a classic wheelchair if you wish. To be sure to have one ready for you on site, please write us at (before the Festival) or call us at +41 78 798 30 44 (during the Festival).