Ludesco, Festival de jeux et d'expériences ludiques

MARCH 14, 2025 12AM TO MARCH 16, 2025 8PM


The world of play doesn't stop after Ludesco!

Home » All year round » The world of play in Switzerland

List of specialist stores in French-speaking Switzerland

Ludesco encourages you to play all year round, and to choose specialist stores when making your purchases. Here’s a list of our recommended gaming stores in French-speaking Switzerland. If you know of any other specialist stores in French-speaking Switzerland that you think should be on this list, please send us an e-mail to

NomAdresseCode postalVilleCanton
Au Paradis du JeuRue du Midi 101003LausanneVD
Helvetia Games Shop – LausanneRue de la Tour 61004LausanneVD
400CoupsAv. de la Gare 61022Chavannes-près-RenensVD
L’épée à 2 NainsRue des Corps-Saints 31201GenèveGE
XenomorpheRue des Bains 541205GenèveGE
L’AstucePl. du Temple 21227CarougeGE
Casa JeuxRue Saint-Jean 151260NyonVD
Helvetia Games Shop – YverdonAvenue des Découvertes 31400YverdonVD
La BulleRue de Lausanne 661700FribourgFR
InterludeRouteAndré-Piller 33B1762GivisiezFR
Helvetia Games Shop – SionRue de la Drague 431950SionVS
Le Maître de JeuxRue du Scex 491950SionVS
A Toi de JouerRue des Terreaux 22000NeuchâtelNE
L’OrnithorynqueRue des Moulins 452000NeuchâtelNE
Librairie Le Haricot magiqueRue Haute 62013ColombierNE
ImpressionsRue du Versoix 3a2300La Chaux-de-FondsNE
Delirium LudensRue de l’Union 152502BienneBE
Jeux partage en familleRue de Soleure 12525Le LanderonNE
Plateau de JeuRue Francillon 242610St-ImierBE
Mille et une HistoiresRue du 23-juin 12900PorrentruyJU

List of escape rooms in French-speaking Switzerland

To encourage you to play all year round, and to encourage you to buy from specialist stores, Ludesco has invited all escape rooms and stores specializing in board games to join forces.

NomAdresseCode postalVilleCanton
The KeyAvenue Vinet 251004LausanneVD
XcapeRoute des Ecoles 321723MarlyFR
Enigm.chSternenmatte 51792CordastFR
Roseville EscapeRoute de Lavaux 441802CorseauxVD
RemorasSous le Scex 12, Case postale 411890St-MauriceVS
Escape or NotRue des Usines 152000NeuchâtelNE
Challenge 27Rue de l’Hôtel de Ville 272300La Chaux-de-FondsNE
Escape NowRue du Parc 312300La Chaux-de-FondsNE
ExitLocusRue du Parc 112300La Chaux-de-FondsNE
AjoiEvasionChemin de la Perche 202900PorrentruyJU
Escape InfinityPlatanenstrasse 73236GampelenBE
Anni ThinkRue du Village 13961GrimentzVS